Monday, October 4, 2010

new findings on acne and fatigue

Okay so I have had some new revelations when it comes to PCOS and my body.  I figured I would post them because you yourself may find them helpful as well.  First topic, the dreaded acne that sometimes comes with PCOS.  Well as posted previously, I have had acne for somewhere around 11 years and trust me I have tried just about everything out there from Accutane to all natural products and nothing has gotten rid of the acne.  As I have researched different suggestions for treatments of acne for patients with PCOS I kept coming around the drug Spironolactone which helps with the androgen levels.  I mentioned this to my doctor and she said she would be willing to put me on it but I could not get pregnant on it and also would have to get my blood drawn to check my potassium levels.  This all made me quite nervous so I talked to her a bit more about it and she asked if my acne ever got better when I was on Yasmin or ortho tri cyclin to which I replied no.  Recently the only thing that has made my acne better was going on UTI medication which is a bacteria fighting medication.  She informed me that all of this information makes her think that my acne is more from bacteria than the androgens then since both of the different kinds of birth control that I had been on where supposed to help with androgen levels as well and they did not help my acne at all.  So I am now on a topical cream that seems to be helping a bit.  I guess why I bring this up is because you have to find a doctor that can communicate well with you and look at your previous history and put the pieces together to find what will work for you.  I also say this so you can think back at what you have taken and if your doctor is not putting the pieces together, maybe you could bring up trying a different treatment.
My second finding has to do with fatigue.  Apparently if you have PCOS you are also prone to have thyroid issues.  Yet again my previous doctors did not take all of the tests necessary to make a correct diagnosis until my current doctor who is finally listening.  I mentioned that I tend to always be tired and I get the 7-8 hours of sleep a night religiously and I work out and so on yet I still get to the point that I feel like I NEED a nap.  She looked at my previous records and said they tested my thyroid but only one level and it was normal but there where two others that should be checked. lo and behold one of those was low in me so she is checking me for adrenal fatigue as well as thyroid dysfunction.  I just am taking my temp and filling out a questionnaire.
So these have been my latest findings, I will keep you updated on any new ones until then stay strong and know you are not alone with PCOS! 

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