Monday, November 1, 2010

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) vs. Nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) vs. Nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)..... wow I know big, scary words but I have become a bit more educated on both of them and the differences in the past week or so and have a feeling I am going to learn a lot more in the weeks, months, possibly years to come.  Why do I have both of these listed you may ask? Well because they may be very related for some individuals.  Apparently there are some instances where an individual is misdiagnosed with PCOS when they really have CAH.  How this happens is because CAH has many of the same symptoms as PCOS such as abnormal hair growth, sever acne, abnormal periods, infertility, and male patterned baldness just to name a few.  The thing is they have the same symptoms but they are caused by very different activities in the body.  Just to break it down into very simple terms, CAH is caused by an enzyme deficiency where as PCOS is caused by the insulin/glucose regulation in the body (again this is from what I understand when it is broken down into simple terms).  So since the symptoms are caused by different reactions occurring in the body, naturally there are different methods of treating them. Why I bring this up is because I have never heard of CAH, I had only heard of PCOS so when the first doctor said 'Hey, you have PCOS' I never questioned them for a second and trusted them completely with my treatment until I have been treated by my most recent doctor who looked over my previous labs and said 'Hey, some things are not quite matching up' needless to say last week I got tested for CAH and low and behold my labs were way off.  I am going in for another test this week to confirm my doctors theory that I actually have CAH.  Now as she says, I can still have CAH and PCOS so we will have to figure that out a bit later depending on what unfolds in the weeks to come but it is still movement forward into figuring out what my body is doing. 
Why I share what tests and theories have come up in my life is because it is my hope that you too may learn from what I am going through and may go and talk to your doctor about CAH if you have any twinge of a doubt on your treatment or diagnosis with PCOS or vice versa if it applies.  I figure it is always nice to learn through others when possible instead of making our own 'mistakes' if you want to call it that.  The initial test for CAH is quick and painless (from my experience), it is a simple blood test which can tell your doctor if you need further tests.
From what I can tell so far most doctors will prescribe birth control to "fix" both PCOS and CAH but I have to put this out there that I do not believe in taking birth control to "fix" medical issues.  I see it as just a band-aide that hides the underlying problem.  I believe in using actual medications that work with your body to actually fix the problem instead of using birth control and working against it.  When looking for a treatment for PCOS or CAH other than birth control, you will be taking different medications that work with the individual diagnosis to help your body to start running a bit more normal.  So with this in mind there are different methods to treat CAH and PCOs that should help your body cope with the diagnosis, you just have to decide which one fits better with your beliefs.
I will post more as I figure it out but I hope this post at least gets you guys thinking thinking a bit differently about PCOS diagnoses ...
If you want to look more into CAH here is a site that helped explain it a bit more for me (make sure you read about the nonclassical type not the classical type) National Adrenal Disease Foundation
Also for those that want to read more up on PCOS visit the Mayo Clinic site

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